Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures from PDC 2008 Los Angeles

PDC 2008

Above: Andreano, Tim, Nick and Bridget

PDC 2008

Above: Nick, myself, Charlie and Andreano

PDC 2008

Above: MiniMe and Mark Miller

PDC 2008

Above: Wherever Delphi goes, love is in the air... ;)

PDC 2008

Above: Me and Gent

PDC 2008

Above: Mark and John


  1. I see that nick is in good company :)

  2. What happened to Mark Miller's hair? And Charlie Calvert looks mahvelous!

  3. I am lost here with many of these names. Could you explain a bit more who they are: Andreano, Tim, Bridget, Charlie, Gent.


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