Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CodeRage is next week! Register NOW!

CodeRage is less than a week away. If you haven't registered yet, why not just do it right now?

Register for CodeRage
Learn more about CodeRage

If you’re a software developer, this is your kind of conference.  It’s technical. It’s flexible. It’s free!
CodeRage serves up real-world technical sessions designed to provide you with information you can put to work immediately in your projects, in your environment.

CodeRage brings you top industry speakers and technologists presenting on a wide variety of topics, all geared toward maximizing your productivity. Session and presenter highlights include:

•    Delphi Product Address - John Thomas
•    What's New in the Delphi Language - Bob Swart
•    IDE Productivity Tips & Techniques - Brian Long
•    New Features of FireMonkey FM2 - Darren Kosinski
•    Building Scalable, Multi-tier Systems with DataSnap XE3 - Paweł Głowacki
•    Discover LiveBindings Advanced Features - Jim Tierney

...and so much more!

Attend the live online sessions and interact with session leaders and your peers.  Can’t make a session? No problem, return at your convenience and watch a video replay on-demand.

See you there!


  1. nical. It’s flexible. It’s free!
    CodeRage serves up real-world technical sessions designed to provide you with

  2. odeRage serves up real-world technical sessions designed to provide you with information you can put to work immediately in your projects


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