Monday, January 30, 2012
Visualizing wave interference with FireMonkey
My article "Visualizing wave interference using FireMonkey" on EDN.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
iOS Address Book fun
Getting data out of the iOS address book is a lot harder than I thought... Must make component... ;)
Here's a Q&D routine I managed to eek out today. It simply prints all contacts and all their numbers to the log console.
Here's a Q&D routine I managed to eek out today. It simply prints all contacts and all their numbers to the log console.
iPhoneAll, AddressBook, CFArray, CFBase;
procedure DumpAddressBook;
addressBook : ABAddressBookRef;
allPeople : CFArrayRef;
nPeople : CFIndex;
ref : ABRecordRef;
i, j : Integer;
firstName : CFStringRef;
lastName : CFStringRef;
phoneNumber : CFStringRef;
l, v : CFStringRef;
S : NSString;
addressBook := ABAddressBookCreate;
allPeople := ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
nPeople := ABAddressBookGetPersonCount(addressBook);
for i:=0 to nPeople-1 do begin
ref := CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allPeople,i);
firstName := ABRecordCopyValue(ref,kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
lastName := ABRecordCopyValue(ref,kABPersonLastNameProperty);
if firstName <> nil then
if lastName <> nil then
S := NSString.stringWithFormat(NSSTR(PChar('%@, %@')),lastName,firstName)
S := NSString.stringWithFormat(NSSTR(PChar('%@')),firstName)
if lastName <> nil then
S := NSString.stringWithFormat(NSSTR(PChar('%@')),lastName);
phoneNumber := ABRecordCopyValue(ref, kABPersonPhoneProperty);
for j:=0 to ABMultiValueGetCount(phoneNumber)-1 do begin
l := ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex(phoneNumber,j);
v := ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(phoneNumber,j);
S := NSString.stringWithFormat(NSSTR(PChar('%@: %@')),l,v);
if phoneNumber <> nil then
if firstName <> nil then
if lastName <> nil then
Handling Swipe Gestures in FireMonkey for iOS
I've added a component to handle left, right, up and down swipe gestures to my set of iOS components.
Here's the full set!
NOTE: This component requires that you edit the FMX_Platform_iOS.pas file on the Xcode side to surface mainWindow and a few other things.
Once installed, this component is extremely easy to use. Simply hook up the OnSwipe events that you'd like to handle and you're done!
Here's the full set!
NOTE: This component requires that you edit the FMX_Platform_iOS.pas file on the Xcode side to surface mainWindow and a few other things.
Once installed, this component is extremely easy to use. Simply hook up the OnSwipe events that you'd like to handle and you're done!
TSwipeEvent = procedure of object;
TiOSSwipeGestureRecognizer = class(TFmxObject)
FOnSwipeRight : TSwipeEvent;
FOnSwipeLeft : TSwipeEvent;
FOnSwipeUp : TSwipeEvent;
FOnSwipeDown : TSwipeEvent;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property OnSwipeRight: TSwipeEvent read FOnSwipeRight write FOnSwipeRight;
property OnSwipeLeft: TSwipeEvent read FOnSwipeLeft write FOnSwipeLeft;
property OnSwipeUp: TSwipeEvent read FOnSwipeUp write FOnSwipeUp;
property OnSwipeDown: TSwipeEvent read FOnSwipeDown write FOnSwipeDown;
Friday, January 6, 2012
Job Opening at Embarcadero! Come join me!
We're looking for an Architect to join the RAD Studio Team.
Embarcadero Technologies is seeking an Architect to join the leadership staff of FireMonkey, Embarcadero’s next generation business application platform. The FireMonkey platform helps you build spectacular applications that are faster, more visually stunning, and more connected – all with native performance on Windows, Mac, and iOS.
Embarcadero Technologies is seeking an Architect to join the leadership staff of FireMonkey, Embarcadero’s next generation business application platform. The FireMonkey platform helps you build spectacular applications that are faster, more visually stunning, and more connected – all with native performance on Windows, Mac, and iOS.
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