I'll be joining David I and Jim McKeeth in the Embarcadero Studio tomorrow morning around 8:30am or so to talk about the awesome twenty years of Delphi we've all had.
I started with Turbo Pascal 3.0 in 1985. I ported a loan administration database program from Microsoft Pascal to Borland Pascal 7.0 in the early 90s, created prototypes for Windows versions in both dBASE for Windows and Delphi 1.
I even reported a bug against TSmiley when I tried using 400 of them in a game I was playing with (big bad memory leak). I added a TOneEyeSmiley as an internal prank after I started at Borland... :)
Please tune in to DelphiWeek tomorrow if you'd like to listen to David, Jim and I talk about Delphi, WideOrbit (we're hiring), and all things Delphi!